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Photo of Katy Freeman, her camera bag hanging from one shoulder


Katy Freeman is a Bucks County artist based in Yardley, Pennsylvania. She grew up in a family of artists, and has loved to create from a very young age. Freeman specializes in multiple media, and likes to explore new media and techniques every chance she gets.

Freeman graduated from Pennsbury High School in 2018, and continued her education at Bucks County Community College where she graduated with her Associate of Fine Arts degree in August of 2020. Katy graduated summa cum laude from Arcadia University in 2023 with her BFA in Illustration and a minor in Creative Writing.

Artist's Statement

Art isn't just about a finished product. Art is about learning to see the world in new ways. I am fascinated by the journey of learning art, from educating myself to helping others gain new skills. I believe this journey should extend beyond mandatory schooling so that we can continue to evolve and be the best versions of ourselves for as long as we live. 


My art allows me to explore the world through various mediums and styles. I find inspiration in the things and people closest to me, which is why I often favor more colorful projects. My illustrations are often a mix of realism and decorative styles with a clear narrative or message. I hope that when I have finished a project, the audience will see not only the art itself, but what it represents- the love and admiration I have for my craft and its process. It doesn’t matter what it’s made of or how it turns out: I make art because it’s what makes me feel human; what connects me to the world around me.


Spring 2021-Spring 2023

BFA of Illustration and a minor in Creative Writing

summa cum laude
Arcadia University

Distinguished Scholarship, Fall 2021- Spring 2023.
Portfolio Review Award, Spring 2021- Fall 2023.

Distinguished Dean's Honor List, Spring 2021- Fall 2022.

Notable Classes: Illustration I-IV, Baroque Art, Graphic Design, Digital Imaging, Artist in the Community, Writing for Children.

Fall 2018- Fall 2020

Associate's Degree of Fine Arts
Bucks County Community College

Alan Fetterman Fine Arts Scholarship, Fall 2020.

The Dodge Show, December 2019- February 2020.
Curator's Choice Award for the Art at Bucks Exhibition, Spring 2019.
The Dodge Show, December 2018- February 2019.

Notable Classes: 2D and 3D Design Fundamentals, Digital Photo Fundamentals, 2D Design Color, 3D Design Materials and Modeling, Introduction to Ceramics, Introduction to Painting, Figure Drawing, Drawing Anatomy, Art History Before 1450 A.D. and After 1450 A.D., Children's Literature.


High School Diploma
Pennsbury High School

Achievement Award for Kristin Huggins Memorial Scholarship.

President's Award for Educational Excellence.

Silver Medal in recognition for meritorious achievement in Art.

Prom Committee Artist.

Bucks County Community College High School Art Exhibition, 2018.

The National Society of High School Scholars, since 2018.

Artists Of Yardley Pennsbury Senior Art Exhibition.

French Club President.

2015-2017 French Department Mural Lead Artist.

Best 3D Work at Bucks County Community College High School Art Show, 2017.

Academic Excellence Award for Art.

Le Grand Concours Certificat d'honneur (Honorable Mention), 2016.
La Société Honoraire de Français (French National Honor Society).

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©2022 by Katy Freeman

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